My 8 year old AMD desktop build has finally died with a suspected motherboard issue. I built that as a gaming rig mainly to play Battlefield 3 and the racing simulator Live for Speed. It had an AMD Athlon II X3 435 Processor, and a ATI Radeon™ HD 5770 Graphics card that ran BF and LFS at decent graphic settings surprisingly well. After tons of research on Reddit's /buildapc subreddit and reading articles on various tech sites about current computer hardware, I decided to build another desktop with AMD's new APU processors with built-in graphics. My goal was an 16-16-16 (Joke that no one will likely understand. If you do let me know!) build, budget between $500-600, for web development and occasional LFS sessions, which I plan to do with an actual racing wheel and not mouse + keyboard this time!
New PC:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Hoping to post clips of LFS sessions in the future!