Export Pocket Data

January 15, 2018
pocket bash curl linux ubuntu

I use Pocket mainly to save articles for later reading, and archive them if they are worth a reference at a later time. You can pretty much Pocket anything such as links, videos, and images. My bookmarks now only contain sites that I frequent, and financial sites to lessen the chance of link hijacking when searching for the site on Google.

Similar to my last post Export Pushbullet Pushes, I wanted to export all my Pocket data in text format so I wrote this bash script:


# see https://getpocket.com/developer/docs/v3/retrieve


curl \
--header "Content-type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data "{\"state\": \"all\", \"sort\": \"newest\", \"detailType\": \"complete\", \"consumer_key\": \"$consumerkey\", \"access_token\": \"$accesstoken\"}" \
https://getpocket.com/v3/get > export

jq ".list[] | {sort_id: .sort_id, title: .resolved_title, url: .resolved_url, excerpt: .excerpt}" export > pocket-export.json

Export Pocket List To Csv

February 1, 2021
pocket bash curl jq

Install Firefox Developer Edition

July 26, 2018
firefox linux ubuntu

Export Pushbullet Pushes

January 13, 2018
pushbullet bash linux ubuntu